The last few weeks have been full of work and more work and writing and more writing. With this book in the works, I have been taking more time to focus on my own writing (which has been wonderfully stressful and mindnumbingly beautiful). Despite the craziness of the past few weeks, I have come to love writing more than I ever have before and I am incredibly grateful that I get to work on this topic in this way. Since some time between us has past here is a quick update:
Things that have changed over the past few weeks: the length of my hair, my mom got me a Keith Morrison pop socket, and I bought myself these new stretchy sweatpants that double as work pants. Things that haven’t changed: I’m still writing (lol).
I'm writing about a woman named Belle at the moment, a brothel madam, but before I share some of her story... here’s a story from Katie, another one of the madams I met in Nevada: “This is just business. We are just business partners with the women here. If they work here and are going to go out in public, we expect them to be law abiding citizens. And then as business partners, we provide this legal umbrella for them to work under and so we provide 24 hour security, housekeeping, chefs, bartenders, maintenance, everything. They're the product and their room is the storefront. I expect them to make a ton of money. They better be making a lot of money or I'm not doing something right! I mean, in my heart and soul I want these ladies to change their lives.”
Thanks for reading. I love these stories. I’ll post them forever.