An update on my master’s thesis: I am in a new phase of writing after a week-long break and a move to DC! Attempting to make sense of all the research data I collected a few months ago has been a struggle… BUT pieces are beginning to come together and I’m really excited about what’s to come.
Back in November I spent several days in Nevada studying the influence of stigma on occupational identification (that’s the official terminology). Throughout those few days of research, I traveled to 6 of Nevada’s 20 legal brothels interviewing legal sex workers, brothel owners, and touring their facilities. My time there was everything I could have hoped for and I collected some really fascinating and important insight (more to come on that).
Here are a few sex work facts:
1. Legal sex workers are not victims of sex trafficking. They are considered independent contractors and have the same work cards as Nevada’s casino and hotel employees.
2. Sex work is legal in 10 of the 17 Nevada counties and is only solicited through a brothel house with a business license (street sex work is illegal). The 20 operating brothels in Nevada are the only places in the U.S. where sex work is legalized.
3. Sex work is illegal in Las Vegas. They’re located in smaller communities/more rural areas scattered throughout the state.
4. The women (and their clients) are STD and drug tested. Surprising, right?
With all of that, I’ve spent the week settling into DC and making some writing progress. This next phase will definitely be the most challenging but it is exciting to think about all that has come from this and then anticipate what else could too. I definitely didn’t think I’d ever conduct research, nonetheless THIS.